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Another Bleak Day | Janice Scott's Blog

Another Bleak Day

Another cold, wet and bleak day (weatherwise, that is). But I’m not complaining since I saw on the TV the horrific fires in Australia and thought how terrible it must be to see your home and all your possessions go up in smoke, and worse, to not know whether your family were safe. The fires seem to spread like – well, like wildfire- which must be unbelievably terrifying.

After Morning Prayers took my laptop and printer into the Hospital for Sick Computers, with a suitable prayer for their recovery. The computer speaks nicely to the printer which acknowledges the conversation (‘receiving data’) but then quietly dies without so much as a by-your-leave. The computer doctor was less than pleased to know I had Ubuntu rather than Windows as an operating system, but since I’d taken in all the downloaded info on how to make the printer work, he should be pleased.

I know what you’re asking.

If I’ve downloaded the info, why can’t I make it work myself? My problem is that I’m not a qualified computer surgeon and am unable to remove the original printer installation files. If only I could get them out, I could start again from scratch. But I can’t. Hence today’s trip into the nether-world of computer incomprehension, hoping that the nice man is better at removing and replacing internal organs than I am.

Have a PCC meeting tonight. Oh joy! Not the best thing to look forward to on a wet, cold, bleak day. If you see what I mean.

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