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Choir Practice | Janice Scott's Blog

Choir Practice

Today marked our first joint choir practice for our Easter offering. We join with a church choir from a different deanery, around fifteen miles away (we share two organists and an organist’s father with them. Why an organist’s father? He sings and plays almost as well as his son, so we need him.) On Maundy Thursday we’ll be singing here, and on Good Friday we’ll be singing there. Or is it the other way round? Can’t remember.

We’re singing Passiontide music for the first part of the programme and Faure’s Requiem for the second part.

Today was a complete shambles, especially for those of us unfortunate enough to sing (no, ‘attempt’ would be a better word) alto. Not only was I totally incapable of finding the right note, I didn’t even finish at the same time as everyone else. So we’ve all been sent home with a recording of how it should be sung and strict instructions to listen to it, and a copy of the music. I can manage alto quite well if there is a powerful alto voice in my left ear. Or even my right ear. I’m not fussy. But without anyone else to lean on, I’m utterly lost. Sadly, all us altos were in the same position.

Oh well. It’ll be alright on the night. Honestly. And it’s a lot of fun trying.

I didn’t manage the whole of the practice as I was in the office first thing. I open up on Saturday mornings for people to drop in on neutral territory for whatever reason and I often have nobody. Today, because I wanted to finish early for the choir practice, I was inundated with wedding couples, baptism families, and folks who wanted a quiet word. Correctly known as Sod’s Law.

At last I have my bicycle puncture mended. Nigel the curate took me (and the bike) into Diss in his hatchback (the bike won’t fit into my car or Ed’s), I left the bike with the cycle man and Ed dropped me back this afternoon to retrieve it. Of course, the only way to get it home then was to ride it.

Good job we’re the only area of the UK devoid of snow.

Even so, I’ve been trying to thaw out ever since.

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