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Such a long time… | Janice Scott's Blog

Such a long time…

I can’t believe how long it is since I last blogged – and I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions! So much seems to happen on the run up to Christmas. That’s my excuse, anyway.

We had our choir Christmas concert on Saturday, the first one I’ve sung in. That was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Twisted Ed’s arm to attend, and he enjoyed it too. It really was good of him to come, since he didn’t know anyone there, but he soon got talking to other people.

We visited the Christmas tree festival at the old parish twice this week, once following a visit to the dentist (no connection there except that it happens to be en route) and again yesterday with the family, because they all wanted to go. It was as excellent as ever, and we bought a couple of African wood carvings from this year’s artist in residence. Really beautiful work.

I’m a different person since I went blonde for the first time ever. Thought it might all be a ghastly mistake, but now I’ve had it about a week, have got used to it and like it. Amazing the number of people who fail to recognise me, though.

We’ve now finished our Christmas shopping, and today I finished the wrapping up. Phew! Time to concentrate on the food side. We’ve ordered a local Norfolk bronze turkey, which we pick up on the 23rd, after another (and hopefully last) visit to the dentist.

Ed put up the Christmas decorations while I played golf last week, and the cards are now arriving thick and fast.

I spent a day with an old friend from around fifteen years ago, and that was great too. Delivered her Christmas present and her birthday present, as her birthday is in January. Isn’t it good the way you pick up exactly where you left off, with your best friends?

So it’s been a busy time, and I expect it has for you, too. But I do love Christmas, and all the preparations are just fun for the great day.

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