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Pain in the neck | Janice Scott's Blog

Pain in the neck

Playing golf on foot in the pouring rain last Tuesday didn’t help. I’d already had a few problems with my neck over the preceding few weeks, but after 27 holes on a foreign course (that’s about six miles), my neck seized up completely.

Ed came all the way to drive me home (my cousin had come over from about two hour’s away in the opposite direction, stayed the night, then driven us both to the course at some unearthly hour in the morning) and I survived through the mercies of Panadol. Mind you, I didn’t mind too much as I won the tournament!

I’ve been wearing a collar in bed each night, and the neck is a lot better now, so back to golf on Tuesday. In a previous incarnation as a physiotherapist, I used to enjoy treating golfers because I knew they would always get better, they were so determined to get back to playing. Jockeys were even worse. Most of the jockeys I treated had broken every bone in their body at some time or another, and would think nothing of riding in a race with a broken arm.

Anyway, enough of illnesses and complaints. I’m delighted that my publisher has agreed to publish the sequel to “Heaven Spent”, so I’ll be starting on that long and arduous path quite soon in the hope that it will be out for Christmas 2011.

More than that I cannot ask.

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