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Back into the wide, blue yonder… | Janice Scott's Blog

Back into the wide, blue yonder…

Well, the wide, grey yonder, actually. But yes, back on the golf course today. It started to snow just as I put my clubs in the car which I feared might be a sign telling me not to be such a fool, but did I listen? Of course not!

Ed and I don’t have the special wheels now required for winter golf, so I was carrying just a few clubs in my bag which was slung across my back, and opted for nine holes rather than the full eighteen. Wasn’t sure I could cope with eighteen, not having golfed since November and not having carried since last year, but the snow held off and I managed OK. Really enjoyed it – although I must remember a woolly hat next time…

Tomorrow I’m off to Norwich to drop in some copies of ‘Babes and Sucklings’ to Jarrolds, the local big bookshop. I’m thrilled that they are prepared to have a couple of books on their shelves.

Ed has to stay behind because a man is coming to repair our conservatory. It’ll be nice to have it waterproof again. For the last few months we’ve had buckets on the floor whenever it rains, so it will be great to be back to what passes for normal in the Scott household.

Meanwhile, back to the last few chapters of my next novel. Nearing the end now, but it’s such an important part of any novel, so I want to get it right.

You make sure you have a good evening, wherever you are.

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