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2009/01/27 | Janice Scott's Blog

Spring is sprung?

Woke to a gorgeous, bright day today. Some low mist swirling over the fields making them look as though they belong in a Japanese landscape, but the sun burning through the mist leaving a blue sky and the birds singing.

For the first time this year, it felt like Spring. The birds were going demented.

I once heard the Dawn Chorus. No, not once, come to think about it, but three times on three successive mornings. I woke early, heard the first tentative tweet, quickly followed by every bird in the entire universe singing in harmony. It was magical. But that was years ago and I’ve never managed to wake up on the right mornings at the right time since, so have never heard it again.

Today I walked to the next village for Morning Prayers but got a lift back with Nigel the Curate. Just as well, since my neighbour’s car refused to start and he had to start it using jump leads attached to Nigel’s engine (his car’s engine, that is. Just to make it abundantly clear.) Apparently my car, which was standing on our drive, is too small to have enough juice to start a proper car. Or so they said. I let them get on with. Boys’ toys.

So this morning I thought Spring had finally sprung, although I confess this change in the seasons may not be permanent.

But just to cheer you all up, I finish with that well known rhyme:
Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where da birdies is?
Da little birds is on de wing.
But dat’s absurd.
De little wings is on da bird.