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2009/05/02 | Janice Scott's Blog

A May Wedding

Today’s wedding was fun. Took place in our smallest church which seats 80, but there were 120 guests! With extra chairs we managed to seat the 90 adults, which left 30 kids sitting on Mums’ laps, crying and squealing and laughing and fidgeting. No microphone in this church, so although I bellowed at the top of my lungs, I doubt many people heard me above the din.

Still, it was a pretty wedding, with the bride in cream and the four grown-up bridesmaids in dark brown. Sounds horrific, but was actually very effective. The youngest bridesmaid, aged just two, looked like a princess in a beautiful white frilly dress but was a typical two-year old! Contained until she discovered the indelible pen on the table, ready for signing the registers. Then things hotted up somewhat.

Got the couple married in the end and hopefully, they’ll all live happily ever after.