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Such a long time… | Janice Scott's Blog

Such a long time…

It’s such a long time since I posted to this blog – before Easter, I believe.

Everything went pear-shaped in the Scott household on Easter day (yes, I know. perfect timing for a priest!) and is only just returning to normal.

After a hectic Holy Week, culminating in a service of over two hours at the Cathedral (most of which was standing) on Easter Eve, Ian (Ed to some of you) was taken ill at the third Easter Day service. We got him home to bed, where he remained practically comatose for two days. The doctors came and went and eventually anti-biotics began to kick in and he’s now practically back to normal, save for a complete lack of energy. The cause was an infected kidney stone, a nasty business.

Since we move out of the Rectory in August to live permanently at the bungalow, we’ve also been involved in building works (knocking two bedrooms into one) and quite a bit of refurnishing, all of which has taken its toll.

Next Thursday we’re off for a fortnight’s holiday in Singapore with out eldest daughter and family. Fi is setting up a training course for Health Professionals involved in autism, so Ed and I are keeping Stu company and (of course!) babysitting. Since a very busy Easter followed by the trauma of serious illness in the family has produced its own stress, I’m really looking forward to getting away from it all.

Roll on Thursday!

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One Response to “ Such a long time…”

  1. Jane Burton Says:

    Dea4r Janice,
    So sorry to hear about Ian’s illness and events. I know that kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful…….Gordon had one once that decided to rlease itself!!!! Hope you have a good relaxing break in Singapore. I thougjt that you might be actually there as I have ‘blogged’ your site many times and no new entries. Have read ‘The Shack’ and thoroughly enjoyed it….one or two surprises. At the moment we have the IBO here ta school, sort of inspection. My Mum is also out here. I fly back with her at the weekend. That will be busy as I fly back the next day. Take care of that man, lots of TLC……

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