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2009/07/20 | Janice Scott's Blog

The Bishop’s final service

It’s not just me retiring. Our local (suffragen) bishop is retiring too and had his final service at the Cathedral yesterday afternoon. The Cathedral was packed, so either everyone was glad or extremely sorry to see him go. I think it was the latter. He’s a quiet, self-effacing person with a brain cell or two (unusual for bishops, you understand) so has been popular. He was a research chemist in a previous incarnation. He’s migrating back to the big city – well, the outskirts at any rate. Came from London, returning to London. Although how anyone can leave the peace and slow pace of life of Norfolk to retire to the city, beats me.

Prior to that service, had a parish lunch to celebrate the Patronal Festival of St Mary Magdalene. One of our churches is dedicated to her, so we celebrate her festival each year on the nearest Sunday. Quite one of my favourite female saints. Well, let’s face it. The Bible is a tad short on female saints and the other one – Mary the Virgin – is just too good to be true. Every religious man’s ideal – a mother and a virgin. Can be a mite hard for the rest of us females to live up to that.

Actually is was a really busy weekend, with two fĂȘtes on Saturday, one during the day and one in the evening. But hopefully that’s the fĂȘtes done for the year. Now it’s down to a few more weddings, a baptism or two and the odd funeral. Then I’m done.

Although, what am I going to do when it’s all over…..?

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