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2009/08/24 | Janice Scott's Blog

The first day of the rest of my life

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Fantastic service last night, dreamed up and led by Nigel the Curate, where Ed and I were guests of honour. The church was packed and such nice things were said about us that I wondered who they were talking about. Felt quite embarrassed and yet it was so heart-warming and lovely. So many people offering us their love. Amazing. The choir sang Rutter’s ‘Benediction’ especially for us, the hymns were all chosen by Ed and me, and my great friend the rural dean preached.

Afterwards there was a reception with great food in the church rooms, and they all presented us with gifts – a wooden garden lounger for Ed, a keyboard and stand for me, and an Acer tree for both of us. Ed gave the thank you speech and did it brilliantly with lots of humour.

But the Acer is nine feet tall, so there was no way it was going to fit into Ed’s car. Nigel the curate brought all the gifts over this morning in his Dogmobil (did I tell you that his new car was white so he had paw prints added going up over the boot and ending with a cartoon dog splatted on the bonnet?) Nigel stayed all morning chatting about last night. I’m really going to miss the weekly chats with him. I valued them so much.

As it was getting on for 1.00pm when Nigel left, Ed and I drove down to the Garden Centre for lunch (saves us cooking this evening – we’re not yet into the swing of this retirement thing) and bought some compost for the new Acer while we were there, plus tomorrow’s supper from the Farm Shop.

Ed is now planting out the new tree (it looks terrific) and when I’ve finished blogging I’m going to unpack the keyboard and have myself some fun!

I think I’m going to enjoy retirement!