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Sitting in the pews | Janice Scott's Blog

Sitting in the pews

Went to our new church this morning, where I sat in the pews with Ed. Interesting seeing church from the other side. People were very friendly and it was a good service, very familiar so we felt at home.

Al turned up this afternoon, bringing his small flat screen TV for me. Eldest daughter gave it to him a year or so ago for a birthday or something, but now he’s living on his own he’s bought himself a big screen job. He set up the little one for me to use with my Wii. The family bought me a Wii a year or so ago for birthday or something and buy me new Wii DVDs on any excuse. Now I’m the proud possessor of the latest gimmick – a motion sensor plus. Actually it’s really good and I had a great game of table tennis. Al played a sword game, chopping down opponents like a swash-buckling James Bond. (What is swash-buckling, by the way? Sounds kind of flashy and sword-like.)

Ed finished the lounge in two days, although he still has to do the woodwork and put up the wood pole for the curtains. To be honest, not entirely sure about the colour (peach) but daren’t say so. Perhaps it’ll grow on me.

Tomorrow is the final bank holiday of the year, but for the first time ever, it doesn’t feel like it. Ed and I have resolved to get out for a walk rather than simply cooking, cleaning gardening… Life is so busy once you’re retired!

I’ve now finished all the thank yous, which is a great relief. I have two further pieces of work to complete for Redemptorist Publications (I freelance for them from time to time and hope that tiny source of revenue continues!) but they are both well under way. Then I shall be free (I think) to concentrate on the next novel, the new keyboard, the Wii, golf…

Hmm. It’s not exactly a rest cure, is it?

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