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December, 2009 | Janice Scott's Blog - Part 2

Carol singing

Had two lots of carol singing yesterday with the choir. In the morning we went to a day centre for people with learning difficulties, which really made me thankful for all Ed and I have in life. The carers were wonderful, with endless patience, and some relatives came as well to listen. What a vocation to work with people with learning difficulties – not something I could do.

In the evening we sang at a candlelit carol service in a local church. Naturally – in a church without heating – it was the coldest night of the winter so far, but we enjoyed ourselves and hopefully the congregation did too.

Today Ed and I went to the golf club for a special Christmas game where everyone has to wear a silly hat (yes, I know. We’re utterly childish, but it’s fun) only to find that it’s been so wet the golf course was closed. And the forecast for tonight is several inches of snow, although we’ve only had the odd flurry so far.

Fortunately, we don’t have to travel anywhere before Sunday, by which time any snow will almost certainly have melted into slush. We don’t seem to get lasting snow these days, more’s the pity. I love it; Ed hates it!

It would be great to have a white Christmas, but that hasn’t happened for years and years, so I don’t suppose there’s much chance. But here’s hoping!

Such a long time…

I can’t believe how long it is since I last blogged – and I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions! So much seems to happen on the run up to Christmas. That’s my excuse, anyway.

We had our choir Christmas concert on Saturday, the first one I’ve sung in. That was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Twisted Ed’s arm to attend, and he enjoyed it too. It really was good of him to come, since he didn’t know anyone there, but he soon got talking to other people.

We visited the Christmas tree festival at the old parish twice this week, once following a visit to the dentist (no connection there except that it happens to be en route) and again yesterday with the family, because they all wanted to go. It was as excellent as ever, and we bought a couple of African wood carvings from this year’s artist in residence. Really beautiful work.

I’m a different person since I went blonde for the first time ever. Thought it might all be a ghastly mistake, but now I’ve had it about a week, have got used to it and like it. Amazing the number of people who fail to recognise me, though.

We’ve now finished our Christmas shopping, and today I finished the wrapping up. Phew! Time to concentrate on the food side. We’ve ordered a local Norfolk bronze turkey, which we pick up on the 23rd, after another (and hopefully last) visit to the dentist.

Ed put up the Christmas decorations while I played golf last week, and the cards are now arriving thick and fast.

I spent a day with an old friend from around fifteen years ago, and that was great too. Delivered her Christmas present and her birthday present, as her birthday is in January. Isn’t it good the way you pick up exactly where you left off, with your best friends?

So it’s been a busy time, and I expect it has for you, too. But I do love Christmas, and all the preparations are just fun for the great day.

Back to church

Had my first day back in harness, so to speak, at my new parish. Having sat in the pews for three months, I felt the time had come to start work again, so today was the day.

Ed and I drove to the first, smaller parish for the nine-thirty service, which I led and the rector preached. Folk were very pleasant and welcoming and I enjoyed it. Then it was on to the bigger church a couple of miles away, for a repeat performance which I enjoyed all over again. And again, people were very nice and friendly.

So it feels good to be back in the saddle, and I look forward to Sunday week, when I shall be preaching. But tomorrow it’s back to the old parish for their Christmas Tree festival, which is simply magic. Not to be missed!


Ed and I played golf today. Not together; he played with the men and I played with the ladies, a couple of hours later. The really great news is that Ed managed all eighteen holes on foot – the first time for six months. The course is so wet that there’s a ban on buggies, so it was a choice between walking and not playing.

We’ve been trying to walk each day, and had managed to increase to about three miles, so I had broken him in gently.

The other good news is that he managed to get the electric golf trolley working, which has made things much easier for me on those uphill sections of the course. Doesn’t prevent me going into the water, but you can’t have everything. I lost two balls today in water, which is an improvement on the eleven I lost on one round when I started playing again back in September.

On Sunday I start working again! I’m leading the service at both the churches. Then in a fortnight’s time, I’ll be preaching at both the churches.

All good clean fun if you don’t weaken.

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