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2010/10/20 | Janice Scott's Blog

The night of a thousand cuts

Just been watching the news on television. The chancellor of the exchequer has introduced swingeing cuts in all public sector services, to reduce the national debt.

The problem is, as always, it’s the poorest who are hurt most. Despite the fact that we’re constantly told, “We’re all in it together” (what a lot of patronising rubbish that is – no politician or banker will be wondering where the next penny is coming from, or be struggling to feed the kids) it’s the social security budget which is really suffering. Benefits are being cut so that people who are too disabled or ill to work will struggle. Those who can’t afford housing will struggle. Thousands of public sector workers will lose their jobs – and how will they find other jobs in the present climate?

There are already strikes and blockades in France. I can’t see it will be too long before they’re repeated here. And all because greedy people in high positions and who were already extremely high earners, took more than their share.

Life is unfair – or is it people who are unfair?