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2011/02/22 | Janice Scott's Blog

I can’t believe…

I can’t believe it’s a week since I last blogged! It shows either how busy life has been, or how lazy I am. I suspect the latter.

Youngest daughter rushed over from Belgium on Friday, appearing on the doorstep with three friends during the evening. Her furniture has been in store over here, and this was the weekend to collect it. The three of them crashed at ours for the night, then set off early next morning to pick up a van they’d hired, fill it with furniture, then drive it over to Belgium via the ferry from Dover.

Somehow it all worked out OK, don’t ask me how!

Meanwhile, Ed and I restored our home from looking like a bomb site, and started on lunch for the rest of the family; eldest daughter, husband and small granddaughter, and our son, all of whom arrived for coffee and the rest of the day.

After they went home, Ed and I slept!

Youngest daughter hasn’t been well since she got back, but went to see the doctor in Belgium and was impressed. She now has medication to sort her out, so I hope it does the trick. Can’t help worrying with her being so far away, but thank goodness for Skype!

On Sunday we’re off to Portugal for a fortnight, and are delighted to see that it’s already hot over there, with good weather forecast for next week at least. Can’t wait!

Went to a church coffee morning today and really enjoyed it. Went for the first time last year, and the contrast – for me – was marked. This year, I knew lots of people and lots of people knew me, and it felt like I was where I belonged. Important thing, this belonging, isn’t it? Makes life go round. Or something.