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2011/04/25 | Janice Scott's Blog

Amazing weather for a Bank holiday

We’ve had amazing weather for the entire Bank holiday weekend, a rare occurrence. The good weather, that is. Not the Bank holiday. They happen several times each year.

Ed and I had the whole family over yesterday, which was lovely but exhausting.

Today, youngest daughter and son went to the cinema together, so I took off on a long and leisurely walk. I found a new route all across country, which was great, except that I disappeared over the ankles in mud at one point. The ground looked firm – and there’s been no rain for ages – but the field had been irrigated. Presumably all the water collected at the bottom of the field where the footpath crossed, but I failed to spot it. I was wearing walking sandals and my new, pristine ladies’ chinos. They are still new, but no longer pristine.

I found myself in the most gorgeous bluebell wood, absolutely filled with bluebells as far as the eye could see. Took a picture on my phone camera but can’t show you as I have no means of taking the photos off the phone.

Walked around four or five miles with very little on the road, so the route was a good find. Except for the mud. Hopefully it will have walked off a square or two of chocolate…