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A new rodent… | Janice Scott's Blog

A new rodent…

I am the proud owner of a brand new rodent. What a difference this little friend is already making to my harassed online life. I should add that I’ve tied a knot in his tail – which was much too long – in order to prevent this one leaping from my computer onto the tiled floor in our conservatory, where I sit with my feet up and my laptop on – well, my lap.

No more hovering over words but refusing to actually settle on them. No more hesitating before responding to my clicks. No more skipping over six pages when I only wanted to move one paragraph.

So you see – my life has been transformed.

Missed golf yesterday in order to give a book talk at Scole Mothers’ Union meeting. They treated me royally with an excellent lunch such as only ladies of the church know how to prepare, and they bought several of my books afterwards, even after I read them an extract about an MU meeting. I did emphasise that it was nothing like their meetings… Thank you, ladies for your hospitality and the fun we had together.

It occurs to me that if you wanted to be very kind to me , you might consider ordering my books from your local library, especially if you live far away from me. Our local library has a very modest ordering fee of just 55 pence per book. So for a dollar or so you get to read my books (yes, they’re an excellent read, honestly!) and you do me a big favour at the same time, by getting the books into circulation in your area.

Heaven Spent

Babes and Sucklings

And if you’ve written a book, I’ll do the same for you.

Meanwhile, have a great weekend and look forward to that Easter break.

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