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2011/08/29 | Janice Scott's Blog

The last bank holiday

Yes, the long summer holidays are drawing to a close, marked by the last Bank Holiday of the year. Nothing now until Christmas, which I suppose still counts as this year, but it feels like next.

Anyway, traditionally the last summer Bank Holiday in the UK is wet, windy and cold. This year it’s merely a little chilly, but with bright patches of sunshine can even be classed as warm at times.

With such clement weather, and with youngest daughter home for a day or two, naturally we decided to go blackberrying. It’s what you do on late summer Bank Holidays in the country.

We collected several freezer bags of blackberries (OK, the bags were small, but who’s counting?) a good many scratches from brambles, stings from nettles, close encounters with distinctly unfriendly branches whipping back into our faces, and a thorough soaking from the one short shower which was enough to drench us. So we were happy.

Fortuitously, we met with a friend en route who has a tree laden with so many pears she doesn’t know what to do with them, so we collected a back pack of pears too.

Anyone got any recipes for pears and blackberries? Bung it method preferred. Or I could just throw them all in the freezer.