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2009/06/27 | Janice Scott's Blog

Another fête

Just back from the next church fête. Well, not just back. Back in time to watch the entire Murray/Troicki match on TV and see our man win convincingly. I normally blog whilst watching TV – or at least, while the TV is on – but it’s so long since we in the UK had any real hopes at Wimbledon that everything as to stop to watch Murray play. We all hope Murray is going to win. A Brit winning Wimbledon! Now there’s a thought!

The fête was scheduled for 5.00pm with a BBQ, stalls and sideshows on the field outside the village hall. It’s been blazing hot all day so augured well, but at around 4.00pm the first rumbles of thunder began to roll around the heavens and within half an hour the heavens opened.

Everything was hurriedly shifted into the village hall, which became a bit crowded rather quickly. Especially around the hatch where large glasses of Pimms were being served.

I had been asked to open the fête and the churchwarden presented me with a lovely white orchid and a bottle of gin for my troubles. (We went on pilgrimage together to Iona last year and enjoyed our gin and tonics along the way….)

Hopefully they’ll make enough money to help pay for the roof – or the part of it that’s presently being repaired, we can’t afford the whole lot.

My last fête in that particular village and the last one in that village hall, as the village is converting the old Primary School into a fantastic new Village Centre. Sadly I shall have retired several months before it will be ready, but they’ve promised to invite me back for the opening.

I shall be there!

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