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2010/01/05 | Janice Scott's Blog

Back in harness

I took all three services at the two churches on Sunday, from eight am to noon. Despite the snow and ice I managed the drive without any difficulty (I only drove to the eight o’clock. Ed chauffeured me to the nine thirty and eleven o’clock services) and thoroughly enjoyed being back in harness again.

On Saturday, Ed had bought me a little netbook, but on getting it home we discovered that the wifi wasn’t working. A netbook without the internet being absolutely useless, after the last service on Sunday we drove on into Norwich – where all the shops were open – and exchanged it. The new one works perfectly, and I can synchronise all my work using Zumodrive. If you haven’t met Zumodrive, get it! It’s terrific (and free).

Yesterday we accompanied Al to Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. It’s around a 160 mile round trip, so took virtually all day. No, he’s not ill. He’s a blood donor and is on the bone marrow register, and got a call to say they needed his marrow. He had to go for tests to see whether he’s a perfect match. Now he has to wait to hear. If he’s a match, it means a couple of days in hospital when a giant needle is stuck into his thigh (according to him) and the bone marrow extracted, then another three days off work to get over it. Don’t much fancy it myself, so it’s just as well I’m too old for that kind of caper.

We’re in the grip of winter here in the UK with more to come, but so far, haven’t had it too bad in Norfolk. We’re promised it here on the east coast at the end of the week, but Ed and I are staying firmly ensconced in warmth and comfort. We did the weekly shop yesterday, so hope to be able to withstand a siege, if necessary.

Meanwhile, all is well.