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2010/01/10 | Janice Scott's Blog

Still on about the weather…

It’s a national pastime in the UK, marvelling (or despairing)over the weather. We haven’t had this much snow for thirty years or more, so the first fifteen minutes of any news broadcast are devoted to accounts of how the weather is affecting British life.

Ed measured the snow in the back garden with a ruler (yes, I stayed indoors snug and warm, and watched through the window) and found it to be five and a half inches. May not be much to some of you hardy types, but to us it’s phenomenal.

Mind you, more was forecast for today, but actually, it’s begun to thaw. Not sure whether I’m relieved ( have a hair-do booked for next Friday) or disappointed.

In view of the difficulty of driving on untreated roads, I again took the service at the small church this morning (I get a lift in the churchwarden’s four by four.) I was amazed when no less than sixteen brave souls ventured forth. Mind you, six of them appeared half-way through the sermon, which was a tad off-putting. Still, it was just nice to have people there, since the church is in the middle of fields.

If the thaw continues, I may have a problem tomorrow, for without the weather, what will I have to write about?